Prescriber overview

For prescribers, nurses and pharmacists we have additional information that covers the legislation relating to medicinal cannabinoid (MC) products, a summary of the evidence for the efficacy in different clinical settings, undesirable effects to be aware of, how to prescribe and presentations given by experts. If you are a prescriber then you can sign-up by clicking the button below.

Learn about the Medical Cannabis Scheme, the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Act, the definition of a CBD product, the law concerning Unapproved medicines and your obligations under the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers Rights.

Review the summaries of the clinical data supporting the use of medicinal cannabinoid products in Chronic pain, Multiple Sclerosis and Epilepsy along with data on the experience of New Zealand patients.

Our Clinical Fact Sheets series are intended as a general education summary and guide to the use of medicinal cannabinoids in a specific indication from Anxiety to Sleep.

Review the most notable adverse events seen in the clinical trial programs of medicinal cannabinoid products.

Consider the various dose forms that medicinal cannabinoids are available in, their pros and cons and information about how to select an appropriate dose for patients by titration.

Advice on how to prescribe Medicinal cannabinoid products for your patients.